Monday, April 16, 2007


All social interactions are governed by rules of behavior. Sometimes those rules are clearly stated, and sometimes they're not, but everyone understands them anyway. One knows that it is not acceptable to chat with your friend in church during the sermon. We know that it's impolite to interrupt someone who is speaking to you, and that it is kind to smile and shake hands when greeting someone. Personal letters have a code of proper etiquette as well. Since this is our first experience with blogging, (mine too) I thought it might be helpful to write a little bit about the proper etiquette for blogging. This is part of a larger issue of etiquette when working with others in a computer environment, and it includes blogging, participating in a wiki with others, and e-mail correspondence.

Most of the rules of etiquette are designed to ensure that the participants aren't made to feel uncomfortable. The rules of interaction in the computer world are very similar. In general, you should try to be sure not to write anything that might hurt or offend anyone else who might have access to the blog, wiki or e-mail. These media also provide a written record of your words that lasts forever. The careless things we say to one another can be easily forgotten, but it's hard to forget an unkind thing that gets preserved on the computer!

The only other tricky thing about writing on a blog, wiki or e-mail is the issue of tone. When you speak face to face with a person, it is possible to communicate things with your eyes, expression or body language in addition to what you actually say. You could tell your friend that his shirt looks terrible, but laugh or smile when you say it, so that your friend knows that you are only kidding and that you actually think his shirt is quite handsome. You can't do that in written correspondence like e-mail, or on a blog. You have to be very careful to say what you mean in a written environment, as it is very hard to express tone in this format.

It's really not complicated to use proper "netiquette" if you just remember that the words you're writing are being published - and that many eyes will see it. Just follow the golden rule about treating others the way you wish to be treated, and you won't have any problems!

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